"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


Copyright: The Stitchin' Chicken

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Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Small stitches

Well , I don't have much to report on my big stitches , so here's some pictures of small finishes over the last couple of weeks.This was made into a birthday card for someone special. It's not the style I usually like to stitch , but I really like it. There is a chart for a bigger sampler version that I might get round to doing one day lol. The ladybirds are for a quilt for Stich for Charity . They are from Cross Stitch Crazy , sorry I can't remember which issue but I will check if anyone wants to know . I changed the colours on all of them as we needed duplicates to have enough for a quilt. I think they're cute , and they were quick and easy to stitch. I like the fairy best.


Michelle said...

I love the colours of the card - it is beautiful!

Cath said...

Thanks Michelle , it was a kit that came with Cross Stitch Magic years ago . I finally decided to pull it out and do something with it . X

Neabear said...

The ladybirds are just adorable! I love them! Thanks for coming by my post today.

The Button Witch said...

Love those lady birds they are so cute, love the little sampler for the card too.
Well done hun lovely work
hugs shellie

Neabear said...

Just coming by to thank you for your visit again!! I appreciate it! How is your stitching going?

Lindsay-ann said...

Your ladybirds are so cute. Thanks for sharing them. I love your new blog background too.

Lhassa said...

Elles sont adorables ces coccinelles brodées.