"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


Copyright: The Stitchin' Chicken

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Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Saturday stitches

I did the chicken on Saturday during the day , and when it came to evening, I pulled out Spirit of the Eagle to do some more for the SAL , only to realise that on the last session , I used the wrong colour. As you can imagine , I was pretty hacked off. So , I put it away and decided to do something else instead.
I ended up doing some little vari Christmas trees to use for cards

The chart is very loosely taken from Cross Stitch Crazy , issue117 , November 2008. I say loosely , as I changed it quite a lot to suit me.

I'm not usually keen on vari stitches ,as I tend to stitch in rows , but I was persuaded a while ago to try it ,(thanks Shellie) . These were my first real attempt

These were taken from Crazy again , issue126 , and were featured in issue 128 as First Past the Post.

I'm now on my fourth or fifth little tree , but have changed the design again to make them a little different.

I'm yet to invite the frogs to visit Spirit of the Eagle , but best get on with it so I can do some more stitching for the SAL.

Thanks for stopping by , Cath .


Mylene said...

Your cards looks great. I like Cross stitch Crazy too, the only magazine i subscribe now. Just received the Christmas issue this afternoon and i think i might stitch some christmas cards later this week or month?

The Button Witch said...

great trees cath I have used that chart alot lol
Hugs Shellie

Michelle said...

The trees are so cute and the cards are beautiful!

Lindsay-ann said...

I love your tree cards. I remember seeing some similar ones last Christmas and thinking then how simple but stylish they looked.