"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


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Friends who read

Sunday, 27 September 2015

It's Pumpkin Day

Today is the day we celebrate the life of a lovely lady who sadly lost her life to breast cancer almost two years ago.
  Two years ago , we bloggers knew the end was close for our friend Cathey , so may of us posted pumpkins on our blogs on her blogoversary the 27th September.
  Cathey was very poorly by this time , but we were told be a friend that she saw and loved the pumpkins , so in her honour, I and some others are carrying on the tradition to remember and honour a courageous , kind and beautiful person.
 You can find Catheys' blog here if you want to read her story in her own words .
Cathey , you are still missed and remembered by many. xxx

EDIT :  Gaynor at Stitchers' Anon has designed a gorgeous free chart to commemorate Cathey . See here .  Thank you Gaynor  , HUGS X


Vickie said...

What a feeling I get when I go back sometimes to Cathey's blog. And dear Junior is 2.

Daffycat said...


Julie said...

Time certainly does move along at a fast pace... hope all is well for you and the family. xx

Beth said...

She had much support from the blogging community. The loss of a young mother is small children is tough to bear.

stitchersanon said...

I wouldn't have thought of it if you hadn't suggested it, so Thank you xx Pumpkin is missed so much.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I think of her often...and her husband and Junior left behind.

Brigitte said...

Whenever I see the pumpkin that I stitched for her on my shelf I have to think of her.

Rachel said...

I first started reading blogs about two years ago and was constantly coming across "Pumpkins for Cathey" posts. It's so nice to read that two years down the road she is still being remembered so fondly. That says a lot for the stitching community. :)