"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


Copyright: The Stitchin' Chicken

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Sunday, 12 June 2016

Very busy , getting nowhere.

I can't believe how quickly the time is passing . Not helped by the kids having an extra week and half off round half term due to moving into their new school building. They go back tomorrow , so hopefully I'll be able to now get lots done.

 Stitching time has been interrupted , but still managed to get some done , and have time to go to the park when it has been nice weather wise. We also managed a day at the coast on Wednesday , which was a lovely change. I would so love to move over that way.

More a/c squares for Love Quilts

Disney Princesses and Super Heroes are forever in demand .

  This one was finished just yesterday .

Only two more squares to go , and I've done 100 !

I now plan on finishing the wolf I am doing for my daughter , and maybe one other project before starting anything else , though I am itching to start ,lol .

  I am hoping to start at least one more HAED this year , but maybe even two or three. Yes , I am that sad ,lol.

 Thanks for dropping by ,


Julie said...

Disney princesses look always look so lovely.
Hope the kids return to school went well today and the new building is a great success for them all.

KimM said...

Lovely progress - love the princesses....

Vickie said...

Sad?! No way! You are awesome Cath. You do such good work!!

Linda said...

Congrats on all of the lovely finishes Cath.
