"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


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Thursday, 28 July 2016

Summer holidays.

The last few weeks have been rather busy , alas not with stitching , but sometimes real life has to come first ,lol.
 The end of school year is always busy , more so this year as my Daughter has now finished primary school. We had the usual Summer Fayre and day trips , but also some special events.
 Junior Prom , Leavers Assembly and the celebration assemblies where special awards are given out.
I was a very proud Mum when once again , both kids got awards. Daughter got an attendance award for being there more than 98% of time , and my gorgeous Son got the award for best effort for his year . His name will go on a plaque on the wall in the main hall . My Daughter has received at least one award every year at this school ,and so far so has my Son , so very proud of both of them.
  So , now we are in to Holiday time , so less stitching usually. Hubby has been off this week too , so we've had a few trips out and about. Today was a lazy day at home ,so I have managed some stitching time . I've also been reading rather a lot .
  After Batman , I stitched up this little lovely. A real pleasure to stitch , and it didn't take too long .
 Then I finally got round to finishing this one for my Daughter. It was started end of April but got neglected for a wee while. Glad to have it done though .
  After that , I had an enforced stitching break due to developing Shingles. The rash was where I usually rest my arm when stitching, and it was sore and uncomfortable for a couple of weeks . I had already started this one , again for my Daughter , and it should have been a quick stitch , but hey ho .
I've done bits and bobs over the last week or so , but quite a lot today to get it to the end , mind you , I know about it .
 Though the rash is mostly healed over, the flesh is still quite tender and it has been bothering me today , still, on-wards and upwards. I need to chart out a couple of labels for LQ now.
 Thanks for dropping by ,


Vickie said...

Oh very nice accomplishments for your children. Your finishes are fantastic. I am sorry for your Shingles. Does it go away, or stay on and on to plague you?

KimM said...

Congrats to you and your children. Lovely stitched pieces....so, so sorry to hear about your shingles.....nasty stuff.