"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Outings (3)

Last Monday saw us returning to The Chestnut Centre . You can read about out previous visit here .

We arrived just at opening time , which turned to to not be such a good things as a lot of the otters were still inside their houses . We eventually got to see a few and then headed back to the open meadow for the "meet the deer" experience as last year we loved them . It was great to see Spirit and Apricot again and to catch up with little Peach who was being bottle fed last year after being found as a fawn with an injury to her side .

 Spirit , Apricot and Peach have all been hand reared , so are very used to people and love to be fed redskin peanuts . The other deer are kept as wild as possible .
 So beautiful

 Some pics of the otters

 This guy was making meatballs from his mince before eating it , so funny to watch .
 One of the polecats .
And the Owls

  My absolute favourite .

  Twiglet was being held in front of these guys
  They were not impressed . the chick (above) was squawking the whole time we were there.
There was no sign of the fox and the Scottish Wildcats were not still long enough for me to get any decent photos . A bit of a disappointing day really , lots of time not actually seeing anything, getting wet through in a down pour whilst waiting for the deer feeding and not many good photos. We will , I'm sure go back again but maybe leave it for a couple of years .

 Stay tuned , more pics coming soon.

Thanks for dropping by ,


Hazel said...

That's so close to me Cath! Yes that sounds like a typical day there. Xx

Sally said...

What a wonderful place to visit Cath. Glad you all enjoyed it.

Julie said...

You captured some wonderful pictures, the deer running away is a beautiful one.

Barb said...

What a great family outing!! The owl photos are my favorites!

KimM said...

What a lovely way to spend the day with your family. Love the pictures and the sharing.

Mylene said...

Looks like you all had fun. Such beautiful pictures!

Melanie said...

What a great set of photos! I know otters aren't particularly nice personality-wise but I do love those cheeky little faces and the way they hop about.