"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


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Thursday, 30 January 2014

Utterly fed up .

Sorry folks , I need a bit of a rant today.

 So fed up of the rain and mud everywhere . It is muddy on the way to school , and the chooks have been wading for a couple of weeks now. Of course , it's not just mud that they're wading through , or that I have to wade through to get to open and close them up every day .

 But , that is not my main grumble . I am fed up of people. Not all people you understand , just some of them , and sadly I have to come into contact with some of those people on a regular basis .

 I am bringing up my children to treat others as they would like to be treated themselves , with kindness, consideration and respect , so why isn't everyone else ?

 Several days over the last couple of weeks , my son has been upset by an older child who will not let him join in a game of "Tig" in the school playground in the morning . There are around 20 or so kids playing , of varying ages ,and both sexes and yet he is not allowed to join in . No good reason , other than she has decided he can't . Even if it is not "her game" she tells him he can't play.

  My son is seven years old , and a sensitive soul who just wants to run around with other kids , and have fun.
  I asked the kid (who I know) the other day to please stop upsetting him and let him play, and I was ignored. Today I made sure I wasn't ignored when I stated that it was unfair to not let him play ,especially when there are so many playing , what could it hurt ? The answer was to stop playing until he moved away .

 Why are people so horrible ?

 I am beginning to wonder if me and my family have big neon signs some where that say "treat me like dirt" . so fed up of people being rude , ignorant , inconsiderate and just downright horrible.

 What is the world coming to ?

 Like someone else mentioned a few days ago , I too do not watch the news or read papers etc. The only news I get is from MSN or what other people tell me. It is too depressing and I have to deal with plenty of crap on my own doorstep.

I need a break .

 Will be back soon with some stitching and stuff.
 Take care ,


Chris said...

I don't know why people are like that Cath. I stopped watching the new a long time ago. I hope that there are some blue skies ahead for you guys.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that is so unfair. Can you have a word with the teachers? We are twins though as this bloody weather is getting me down as well, you should read my blog post today!!

Hang in there,


Emma/Itzy said...

oh how sad :( I hope you and your son get it sorted soon

Mii Stitch said...

Oh bless you Cath!! I real understand how you must feel. This is so unfair on your son. Maybe a discreet word with the teacher could help? I feel people nowadays are out for themselves, selfish, self-centered. I hate going out shopping because I end up being wind up by total inconsiderate strangers... It's everywhere: supermarket, school run even my workplace!!! I'll join you with this runt :) Enjoy your break & looking forward to read you again xx

Julie said...

((big hug)) Cath, being parent is very hard sometimes, other children an be so cruel.

krayolakris said...

Yep, lots of meanies out there, but more nice people than mean....they just don't get the attention. Maybe your child could start his own game? Hugs from across the pond.

Bente Lill M said...

I know the feeling both you and your son might feel now. It's horrible how some people think it's OK to act. Talk to the adults in his school - they really should react upon it!
Lots of love, Beni from Norway

CalamityJr said...

I don't have any answers, I'm afraid. Wish I could come play, though!

Poppypatchwork said...

Kids can be so very cruel, and their parents don't bother about it. Tell your son, whilst it is hard now, he will grow into the sort of man, woman will love, give him a cuddle from me xxx

stitchinpeanut said...

Cath, It is soooo hard to watch this happen to your kids... I have had this happen too... You can't control how outside forces are with the kids but just tell the kids how to react to the mean attitudes. This world has become very ugly at times...and it is sometimes very sad to see the disrespect and general dis like people have for each other. Your "rant" as you called it is well deserved. Hang in there... Try to do something special for you and your son today to counteract the bad.

And you have rain and muddddddd. I have snow and ice... Can't wait for spring!

Shebafudge said...

Hardly a rant Cath but a very valid point. Working in a school, I see it quite often and it is really hard to do anything about. Oh sure I can tell them to let a child join in but it rarely works well. I can find a buddy for the child to play with but am well aware of the fact it isn't the child or group that they WANT to play with. I really feel for your little lad. Are there any other children playing games that he could go and join in with?

Carol said...

It seems to me that kids are meaner to each other than when my sons were growing up, Cath--and that was only 20 years ago... I'm not sure what is happening. The best thing you can do is reinforce treating others with kindness--in the end it will take him far in life :)

Melody said...

Sorry to read about the bully. I do not understand what pleasure people have in being mean!

Hang in there. You are doing the right thing by raising your kids to respect others.

Barb said...

I feel so sad for your son. My daughter was like that too. I told her that when she grew up life would be easier. I didn't think that was any real help at the time. But now that she is grown, she tells me it was a help to her.

Lesleyanne said...

Sending big hugs your way Cath. Kids can be so mean nowadays. I hope it gets better for your son soon.

Christine said...

Oh dear, poor little thing. You should mention it to his teacher, they probably have a policy for dealing with that kind of thing

Bernadett said...

Dear Cath,

Your story is very familiar for me...I have very sensitive kids,too and I am very sensitive,too,but 90% of people are cruel...rude...I think we have to teach ourselves to handle with them,or they are our emotional vampires...And we should teach our kids to handle with them ,too...And I did not mean that we should be as the 90% of people...and I think it is better not to be...and we can not be as they are...

Hugs and kisses.:)

Barb said...

Cath I feel for you and your son, the girls are sometimes worse than the boys too. My daughter is going through this with her middle boy and its so hurtful. I wish you both well, some sunshiney days would help, and a big hug to you and your little boy.

Catherine said...

Hugs ~ hope things get better!

Brigitte said...

I'm feeling for your son, it' sad when you are treated in such a mean way. I hope that you will get sorted it out soon, maybe with the help of teachers or other parents.

Bekca said...

Some parents don't teach their children any manners at all. I too would have a word with the teachers. But maybe you could encourage your son to start up his own game? I'm sure not all of the children are bullies.
Best wishes.