"If you can count the number of projects you have going , you need to begin another, so you have a varied range of complexity from the very simple 'mind-less' ones to those that demand undivided attention." (Laura Early).


Copyright: The Stitchin' Chicken

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Friday, 6 February 2015

Fed up

Hi everyone , I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment.
 My ankle is improving , but slowly . still swollen and bruised and still painful , but I can get around . Some days are worse than others.
 Hubby had Monday-Wednesday off last week to ease the pressure, went to work late on Thursday so he could take the kids to school first. He got sent home from work because of the snow and got back in time to collect the kids from school at lunch time, then they had a snow day on Friday .
 Since the weekend , both kids and myself have started/had the rotten cold that is going round.
Snow showers and ice have made it very slippy and I will admit to being scared to go out in case I fall and hurt my ankle again .
 That said , I have made the school run every day except Wednesday when both kids and I were feeling too rotten to bother ,
  I am really ready for Winter to do one now , and usually I don't mind the cold weather .

 Have managed to get some stitching in . I decided to just rummage through my charts and find things that I would like to stitch . Here's what I came up with .

 Any child squares for Love Quilts .

 This was going to be an LQ square too , but my Daughter has claimed it . Not just that , but Son-shine wants one too , so I will be stitching another one but in a different colour .
 Hubby and Son went to a war games convention on Sunday and Daughter wanted to make something. I was thinking an owl or something small ,but she wanted to make a snake .
  We went through the fabric stash and she chose some that she liked . I drew a quick pattern and we cut out two pieces . I can't use the sewing machine properly with my dicky ankle , so did a bit with the opposite one and showed my girl how to use it and she did the rest .
  Have to say , I was very impressed as she did what she was told and did it very well .
  Here's what we came up with .

Now, she want to go on the sewing machine at every chance ,lol, but I have said we will wait until half term and do something then .

Hope everyone is well , We are still in the middle of a cold snap with threatened wintry showers and/or heavy frost . Not nice .

 Incidentally , I am having a small problem with the comments. Not all of them are going through to my e-mail , so if I haven't replied to your comment it's either because of that or because some people still have their profile set to no reply..

Take care, 


Gill - That British Woman said...

it it's not one thing it's another isn't it? Hope you feel better soon. A bit of warmer weather and sunshine always does the trick for me.

Gill in Canada

stitchersanon said...

I'm so sorry your feeling so rough. I would like winter better if we never had to leave the house, lol. I hope your ankle gets better soon, and you never know..we might still get an unexpected heatwave rofl. I love the snake...gorgeous! Well done to your daughter x

stitchersanon said...

I'm so sorry your feeling so rough. I would like winter better if we never had to leave the house, lol. I hope your ankle gets better soon, and you never know..we might still get an unexpected heatwave rofl. I love the snake...gorgeous! Well done to your daughter x

Vickie said...

I am sorry you are getting over being ill on top of your ankle not being recovered yet.
The snake is real cute.

Julie said...

We'll done little lady, the snake looks super.
Get well (hug) to you Cath, this colds a right pain, I still have mine. X

Barb said...

It sounds like you guys have had a hard time. I do love the stitching ideas and hope you are all better soon. I think any injury that slows you down is frustrating! Your daughters snake is very cute. I think you have a future sewer there.

Hazel said...

Take care of yourself Cath. I've not been well of late. I have to go and have an ultrasound to see if they can detect the source of a nasty pain. I'll be resting up this weekend too. You've reminded me I need to get my LQ square finished! I am terrible!!!! X

Jane said...

Dear Cath
It's a long process waiting for bones and muscles to heal, I'm 12 weeks down the line now and still trying to be patient! I, too, am very worried about these icy conditions, it's scary when you have already damaged a foot ~ hang on in there, warmer days are ahead and our it seems like our hubbies are coping well with their new duties!
Lovely stitching especially the little doggie, such a sweet face.
Email me if you want to chat, I still cannot go out so the days are long.
Take Care Cath xxx

Cole said...

Ugh, so sorry to hear about your ankle, it's no fun to be laid up! Sending some quick healing vibes your way :)

Mii Stitch said...

Hope things improve for you all ;)
Great snake!!

Brigitte said...

First the ankle and then a cold, not very funny indeed. I hope that you will soon be back to normal, but with the ankle it will just take some time.

Very nice stitching projects. No wonder that your son also wants such a giraffe. Your daughter follows you in your footsteps, how nice is this?

Melanie said...

He's the cutest snake I've ever seen. :)

Hope that ankle heals up soon!!!!